Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kindle up

The Lord Paramatma is surcharged like the fire in the wood within everything in matter and appears to be of many varieties although He is Absolute one without a second.


Lord Vāsudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by one of His plenary parts expands Himself all over the material world, and His existence can be perceived even within the atomic energy. Matter, antimatter, proton, neutron, are all different sources of manifestation of the Paramatma feature of the lord by proper culture only. As from the wood the infested fire can be manifested by proper manipulation or as butter can be churned out of the milk so also the presence of the Lord as Paramātmā can be felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subject. The transcendental subject is specially dealt with in the Vedic literature like the Upaniṣads and Vedānta and Śrīmad-Bhāgawatam is the bona fide explanation of the same Vedic literatures. The Lord can be realized through the aural reception of the transcendental message and that is the only source of experienceing the transcendental subject. As fire is kindled the from wood by another piece of fire similarly the divine cosciousness of man can be kindled up by another divine grace. His Divine Grace the spiritual master can kindle up the spiritual fire from the woodlike living entity by imparting proper spiritual messages injected through the receptive ear. Therefore one is required to approach the proper spiritual master with receptive ear only and the divine existence is thus gradually realized. The difference between animality and humanity lies in this process only. A human being can hear properly, whereas an animal cannot.

Excerpted from an Original first printing ( Brown Cover 1962 ) of Srimad Bhagwatam by HD AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj ..... First Canto Ch.2 Text 31


He lives for ever by His Divine instructions
the follower lives with him.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Milking the cows

"The gopis are so fortunate that they can see and think of Krsna twenty four hours a day, beginning from milking the cows, husking the paddy, churning the butter in the morning or when engaged in gathering dried wood, riding on swings, taking care of crying babies, cleaning their homes, washing their floors, whatever it is that they are doing they are always absorbed in thought of Krsna.

Their hearts are full of love for Him. Tears of affection fill their eyes and will sometimes choke up as they sing His glories."

Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.44.15.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Srimati Radharani said in a jubilant mood;
" I can see the surabhi cows! Krsna can't be far away!"
as she begins to run toward them.

Lalita Madhava - Sri Rupa Goswami

Monday, October 6, 2008

Meet us in Vrndavana

Krishna along with his large family came from Dwaraka to Kurukshetra at the time of the most auspicious solar eclipse. All the holy waters of India flow into the Kurukshetra tank at the time of an eclipse.People from all over India also assembled at the sacred place, the Vrishnis, the Bhojas, Akrura, Vasudeva, Ugrasena and others. From Vrindavana the gopis also came to bathe in the sacred waters at Kurukshetra. Krishna was a child when he left Vrindavana thus after a very long time the Gopis were finally able to see Krishna. Krishna and Balarama warmly embraced their parents. They also affectionately embraced the residents of Vrindavan. During that time, there was an interesting dialogue between the Gopis and Krishna.

When the Gopis met Krishna they said :

"Suna more Vraja Nana he jivana.

O My Prananatha, My life and soul! Vraja is our life and soul. O Prananatha, we are telling You the truth - that Vraja is our home. If You do not come and meet us in Vrndavana, we will not be able to remain alive. We will die at once. The moment fish are taken out from the water, they begin to become restless, and at the next moment they will be dead. We are in a worse condition than that. Fish may have a moment to live, but we will not be able to live even that long."

Kurukshetra -Brahma Sarovara
It is said that after performing a great yajna, Lord Brahma created the universe from here. It is also said that Manu wrote his Manu-smriti here, and that the Rig and Sama Vedas were compiled in this place. Kurukshetra is named after King Kuru, who also performed a great sacrifice here.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Krishna leela

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mahaprabhu's Divine Conception
was polluted.

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