Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Social leprosy

" During and after World War II we find in the west the terrific growth of the social institution which may be termed "good time" marriage, in which man and woman come together in so-called marriage for having a good time and, in search of a good time again, part from each other to seek new partners. Such marriages are Hedonistic, believing only in sex thrills, in childlessness, in the neglect of the family bond and the discipline it demands. This has resulted in an all-pervading sex obsession on a scale only know to the decadent Roman Empire. The influence of Freud has also given pseudo-scientific approval to sexual irresponsibility and colored the views on sex and marriages of persons who consider themselves advanced. These "advanced" sectors of life have for their heroes and heroines play-boys and glamour girls, who's sex gluttony has brought to the society dominated by them, strains and conflicts, disappointments and frustrations, vulgarity and ugliness, neuroses and psychoses on a scale never known to the human society before. This is social leprosy. What is called love is a stark unromantic animal sex indulgence" -Kanaiyalal Munshi

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Human society possesses creative energy.

The Vedic System of four Varnas and four Ashrams is meant to regulate this energy as to create a positive influence from which everyone can benefit.

The four Ashrams are:
Brahmacarya (celibate life) controls this energy and consequently one's meditative and cognitive abilities increases.

Grhasta (married life) is meant to regulate the sexual creative energy so one can continue to advance on the spiritual path.

Vanaprasta (semi detached) is for retirees who have become entangled in house hold life. By practice one can gain confidence and feel the presents of God everywhere.

Sanyas is complete detachment from mundane worldly affairs, living the remainder of this life in the service of the lord, in preparation for the next life.

The four Varnas (occupations) are:

Brahmanas - Spiritual advisers
Ksatriyas - The martial class.
Vaisyas - Agriculturalist,bankers,trade etc.
Sudras - labor, support services etc.