Friday, May 21, 2010

The Ear

Simply giving an Aural reception to this Vedic Literature the feelings for loving Devotional service of the Lord Krishna the the Supreme-Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once for extinguishing the fire of lamentation and fearfulness.
Text 7, Chapter 7, Canto 1, Srinad Bhagwatam

Commentary by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami

There are various senses of the living being of which the Ear is the most effective. This sense works even when a man is deep asleep. One can protect himself from the hands of enemy while awaken but while asleep one is protected by the Ear only. As such particular importance of the organ for hearing is mentioned here in the attaining of the highest perfection of life namely to get free from three material pangs. Everyone is full of lamentation at every moment, he is after the mirage of illusory things and is always afraid of his supposed enemy. These are the primary symptoms of material diseases. And is it definitely suggested herein that simply by hearing the message of Srimad Bhawatam one gets attachment for the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna and as soon as this is effected the symptoms of the material diseases disappear. Srila Vyasadev saw the all perfect Personality of Godhead and in this statement the All Perfect Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna is clearly confirmed.