Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Give Me More Capital

Give me more capital.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "0 lord of the universe, I only pray for spontaneous devotion to you without motive for any reward. I want a natural serving attitude." Prema means affection, love. Prema means, "I shall serve you, and in remuneration you must give me more of a tendency to serve you—more energy and more hankering to serve you. My affection for you will be enhanced and the interest will become capital just as in the money-lending business." In this way, a devotee prays to Krsna, "I am serving you, and if you want to pay me something, then give me more capital to increase my serving tendency so it may be more enhanced.

"Wherever I am born according to my karma, I aspire only for your service, my Lord, and I pray for unmoti-vated service, not for anything else in return." The general temptation that surrounds us on four sides is of four classes: money, followers, women, and liberation, and that means dharma, artha, kama, and moksa. In this way, the gradations of different goals of life have been represented.

But Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "I have no attraction for any of these things, but only for You, my Lord. I don't even aspire after liberation. I will not even ask, 'Give me liberation, for, being liberated, I will be able to serve You better.'" That sort of condition must not be placed on divinity. This is the purest of prayers: "According to my karma, I may be bird or beast, here or there, or even in hell—it does not matter. My whole aspiration is concentrated on one thing alone: I pray that my attraction for You may never be lost. I pray that it may always be enhanced."
Excerpt from and informal talk by
Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj