Monday, January 8, 2007

Drops of Nectar

“Dear beautiful cloud, the color of your beautiful body exactly resembles the bodily hue of our dearmost SyamaSundara. We think, therefore, that you are very dear to our Lord, the chief of the dynasty of the Yadus, and because you are so dear to Him, you are absorbed in meditation, exactly as we are.

We can appreciate that your heart is full of anxiety for SyamaSundara. You appear excessively eager to see Him, and we see that for this reason only, drops of tears are gliding down from your eyes, just as they are from ours.

Dear blackish cloud, we must admit frankly that to establish an intimate relationship with SyamaSundara means to purchase unnecessary anxieties while we are otherwise comfortable at home.”

( Queens of Dvaraka - Srimad Bhagavatam )