Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Quiz on Dharma by Yamaraj

When arriving at the scene, a loud voice explained to Maharaj Yudhisthira's why his brothers had died, then asked him to answer a series of questions before drinking the water, if not he would die like his brothers.

Maharaj Yudhisthira said; "please ask"
The voice then put questions rapidly one after another.

What makes the sun shine everyday ?
Yudhisthira replies: The power of Brahman.

What rescues man in danger?
Courage is mans salvation in danger.

By the study of what science does man become wise?
Not by studying any sastra does man become wise. It is by the association with the wise that he gets wisdom.

The voice asked: What is more nobly sustaining than the earth?
Yudhisthira replied: "The mother who brings up the children she has borne is nobler and more sustaining than the earth.

What is higher than the sky?
The father.

What is more swift than the wind?
The Mind .

What is more blighted than witherd straw?
A sorrow stricken heart

What befriends a traveler?

Who is the friend of one who stays at home?
The wife

Who accompanies a man at death?
Dharma alone accompanies the soul in its solitary journey after death.

Which is the biggest vessel?
The earth, which contains all within itself is the greatest vessel.

What is happiness?
Happiness is the result of good conduct.

What is that,abandoning which man becomes loved by all.
Pride- for abandoning that man will be loved by all.

What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow?
Anger- by giving it up, we will no longer be subject to sorrow.

What is that by giving up man becomes rich?
Desire-getting rid of it man becomes wealthy.

What makes one a real brahman, is it birth, good conduct or learning?
Birth and learning do not make one a brahmana, Good conduct alone does. However learned a
person may be he will not be a brahmana if he is slave to bad habits. Even though he may be
learned in the four Vedas, a man of bad conduct fall to a lower class.

What is the greatest wonder in the world?
Every day, men see creatures depart to Yama's abode and yet, those who remain seek to live forever. This verily is the greatest wonder.

Thus the loud voice posed many more questions to Maharaj Yudhisthira and he answered them all. It was in fact Yamaraj who was quizzing Yudhithira with the inner desire to see the righteous King who was his own son born by Kunti. Yamaraj was please with Yudhisthir's adherence to dharma that he revived his brothers and blessed them saying you will have victory over those who consider you their enemy.

From the Mahabharata of Vyasa