Friday, March 5, 2010

purification of skin disease

This following example came to mind when reading Bhakta das's article (Fall or Not?). I too was present on many occasions when the origin of the soul questions were put before Srila Prabhupad and can attest to the fact that Prabhupad would in most conversations redirect the audience toward the subject of "purification of skin disease" focusing on the importance of chanting the holy name and pure devotional service.

Suppose I were walking down the street and was shot by an arrow and started to bleed profusely. Would I debate as to whom the maker of the arrow was or should I be more interested in seeking medical attention? If I survived I should definitely avoid the dangerous path I previously had traveled.

Asking about the manufacturer of the arrow or as to what kind of wood was used is not really necessary for ones survival. A sane man should accept the fact that he is bleeding and requires immediate medical attention knowing perfectly well that at one time he was healthy and by some faith (in the medical practitioner and the process prescribed ) he can regain his vitality.