Be kind, O blissful one. Be kind, O Supreme Lord. O Lord, please rescue me, bitten by the snake of physical and mental pain. O Krishna, O husband of Rukmini, O enchanter of the gopis, O master of the universe, please rescue me, drowning in the ocean of repeated birth and death. O Kesava, O Narayana, O Govinda, O Janardana, O source of all transcendental happiness, O Lord who rescues your devotees from distress, O Madhava, please rescue me.
Brahma said: As I worship Him, so should you. Chanting this five-word mantra ("klim
krishnaya govindaya gopijanavallabhaya svaha") , and meditating on Lord Krishna, you will transcend the world of birth and death. One who chants this five-word mantra easily attains His transcendental abode. Although fixed in His abode, the Personality of Godhead is swifter than the mind and can overcome all others running. Even the powerful demigods cannot approach Him. Therefore, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should meditate upon Him, glorify Him, serve Him and Adore Him with a devoted heart.
Vyadhi, or physical pain, inevitably comes when one fulfils his material desires. When material desires remain unfulfilled, however, the conditioned soul experiences mental pain, or adhi. Either condition is inauspicious for the conditioned soul.
In the Hari-vamsa, Lord Shiva explains the meaning of the name Kesava: "Both Brahma (ka) and I (isa), the master of all living entities, were born from You, and for this reason, O Lord, You are known as Kesava."