Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Basic Training

Vaishnava's who have been Initiated promised to follow these four basic regulative principles.

No Eating of Meat, Fish, or Eggs
No Gambling
No Intoxication
No Illicit Sex

These regulative principles are based on the four pillars of religion: Truth (satyam or honesty), Austerity (tapah or self-discipline), cleanliness (saucam or purity), and mercy (daya or compassion).

NO CHEATING. If you do fall prey to the senses you will then need to approach your living spiritual master and present your case. He will out of compassion pray to Lord Nityananda to not hold you responsible for breaking your vow and will accept the karmic reaction himself.. If he is truly a pure devotee the reaction will burn up and begone with out a problem.

If your living guru is no longer here on the planet , you must approach a pure Siksha Guru so you can again get situated properly and make further progress. Don't be a fool and think that you can make offense and spiritual progress side by side. It might look good on the surface but the heart will not change and that is the point of the Krishna Consciousness philosophy.