Thursday, April 23, 2009

ah bunch of Hot Air !

It appears to me that all the chatter about reducing green house gases, saving the environment etc. is just ah bunch of hot air. Even though it is very fashionable to talk about such things and one my appear (to a dummy) to be very educated and forth wright, the fact is they're not at all serious . If they were meat production and the addiction to it would cease.

Take some time do the research and weight the facts for yourself!

example: Chemicals used to grow the feed, the feed, the feed waste, transportation gases, oil, manure produced from animal consumption, the slaughter and transportation of the animal etc. produces massive amounts of green house gases and waste. Besides, eating meat is not really a very healthy way to live. It's rather barbaric and cruel. Not only to the animals but to the consumers body as well as to their neighbors and friends who must smell the dead flesh (gas) in the atmosphere.

Devotees of Krishna are far ahead of modern society in regards to environmental protection and reduction of the their carbon footprint. - AJD
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Animal Agriculture and Climate Change
The Mad Cowboy