Our father
(The Cause of All Causes)
Who resides in heaven
(Vaikuntha - The Spiritual Atmosphere)
(Vaikuntha - The Spiritual Atmosphere)
Holy be thy Name
(God has hundreds and thousands of names like Krishna - Govinda etc. All names of god have transcendental potency. God and his name are non different.)
(God has hundreds and thousands of names like Krishna - Govinda etc. All names of god have transcendental potency. God and his name are non different.)
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth
(Gokula )
As it is in Heaven
(Goloka )
Give us this day our daily bread
(Prasadam-Lords Mercy)
(Prasadam-Lords Mercy)
And forgive us our trespasses
(Our offenses - Apa-Radha)
(Our offenses - Apa-Radha)
As we forgive those who trespass against us
(We should practice humility and forgiveness)
(We should practice humility and forgiveness)
And lead us not into temptation
And deliver us from evil
(Bad Karmic reactions, Birth, Death, Disease, Samsara)
(AUM-OM, Om-Tat-Sat - Eternity Bliss and Knowledge.
(Bad Karmic reactions, Birth, Death, Disease, Samsara)
(AUM-OM, Om-Tat-Sat - Eternity Bliss and Knowledge.