Monday, June 22, 2009

War of 3010 B.C

After the passing of his father (Maharaj Parikshit) King Janmeyaya performed a Yagna (Ritualistic Ceremony).
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The Grandfather of the Padavas (Bhisma) was born 120 years prior to the Mahabharat War (World War). He was shot by a shower of arrows on the 7th day of the 18 day battle, which took place 3010 BC. Three months later he expired.

Maharaj Yudhistira was 70 Years Old when installed as the World King (Dharmaraj). He renounces the Kingdom at the age of 100.

Parikshit (son of Arjuna) born at the time of the war was installed as King after Yudhistira renounced the throne. He was 30 years old when his reign began.

Three years after the war, the compilation and details of Mahabharat were written in about 100,000 shlokas (condensed verses) by sage "Veda Vyas son of Parasara Muni".

A short time later King Parikshit performs a Yagna (ritualistic ceremony). Veda Vyas recites the Mahabharat to the kings and people gathered there.

Mahabharat includes the famous "Bhagavad-Gita" a discussion between Sri Vasudev Krishna and Pandava Arjuna. It took place on the first day of the war. This dialog lasted for three hours after which the war commences.

King Parikshit renounces his Kingdom knowing death is near and hears Srimad Bhagwatam from Sukadev (son of Veda Vyas).

At the end of the dwapara yuga, the heir of the Pandavas, Parikshit, their grandson, died bitten by Takshaka, the King-serpent, because of a curse by the son of a sage. Parikshit’s son, Janamejaya, vowed to take revenge and started a sarpa yagna (snake sacrifice). Fearful of his certain death, Takshaka pleaded with Indra to save him. Indra sent Brahspati who requested Janmejaya to stop his yagna and Janmejaya yielded. However, because of the enormous sacrifice of serpents, he was soon afflicted by a virulent form of leprosy. Then sage Atreya asked him to take refuge in the temple of Guruvayur and worship Lord Krishna and told him about the origin of the temple.

"Once a childless royal couple, King Sutapas and his wife worshipped Lord Brahma who handed over the Archa- Vigraha (Deity Form) now installed at Guruvayur and asked them to worship it. Eventually Lord Vishnu appeared in all His splendour and promised to be born as their child. Lord Krishna was born as their son. After He left this earth for his holy abode, the port city of Dwarka was submerged. Guru, the preceptor of the gods and his disciple, Vayu, god of Winds, saved the carved form. After a long quest for an appropriate site, they entered Kerala and met Parasurama, legendary creator of Kerala. He led them to a beautiful lake full of lotuses, the present tank, Rudratirtha, beside which Shiva and Parvati waited to welcome them. The Deity form was duly installed. The temple and the place came to be known as Guru-Vayur, a reverential reference to the sponsors, Guru and Vayu."

After Janmejaya the descendants of the Pandava Dynasty continued to rule the Kuru region for another 1200 years.
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