Saturday, January 26, 2008

Each stone is a living entity

Masculine and Feminine Stones

Different stones are either male or female or even neuter, according to V. Ganapati Sthapati, the chief temple architect in Hawaii. Male stones give a bell-like sound when struck. Female stones give a softer sound. To test a stone, a 6-inch by 6-inch by 3-feet or longer stone is placed on two wooden blocks and struck. Each quarry usually contains one gender, with few exceptions.

In Deity carving, Gods are made with male stones and Goddesses with female stones. In temple construction all load bearing stones, such as beams and pillars, should be male for their strength and density. Each stone is a living entity with its own sound, said Sthapati, and sound is life. When a stone is quarried using dynamite, the molecular structure is shattered, making the stone weak and destroying its life and sound.